Cost to set up rearend

After reviewing my bank account, I'm inclined to try to set these gears up myself, as well. I pretty much know how its supposed to be done, but it just seems like everything I have to do for the first time, I have to do it by myself, trying to figure it all out, and after awhile, that just gets old.

As for the old 2.45 carrier, maybe some of you guys didn't notice, but I did mention in my first post that I have a good suregrip unit to replace that old carrier with, so that's not going to be a problem. I can probably even borrow a dial indicator from work to check the side to side movement, and I already know how to use that, lol. One question.. Would you recommend replacing the ring-gear bolts when I bolt the 3.55s up to the suregrip? Oh.. and maybe someone can recommend a good place to get a master overhaul kit for the 8.25 - or should I buy things separately from the local parts store? I put new Timken bearings in the front hubs, I know they're a good brand. Info, info, info, please, and thanks guys.