FYI - Thief in our midst

using the internet to commit fraud is also a big deal,if it werent' than why do the rest of us keep our word?Oh yea,we're men of our word(and for the females(ya'll are women of your word)either way it's all about keeping your word.maybe new sticky and signup to use the for sale section?strong warning before you are allowed to use it where you have to agree?this sucks for the good guy's again!!ah heck with it public flogging this place is fine without him or anyone like him :violent1:
I think if the guy used the U.S. mail to obtain money from you in any way it constitutes Mail Fraud which is a serious crime and can carry a hefty sentence if the perp is found guilty. That may be another angle to take a look at if the situation drags on. It would be great if the seller would simply complete his part of the transactions and quietly disappear.