Slack in steering shaft

I am having a similar problem with the steering column in my 70 dart swinger (power steering). After i replaced the steering wheel the gear that allows the wheel to be locked in place when the key is turned off is dragging on the metal peice that holds the rod that locks into the gear.(so bad that I can't steer). I can move the entire steering column shaft in and out about a 1/2" when I have the steering wheel off. I can see the movement right above the steering coupler assembly. I'm stumped on how to correct this issue. I have a 71 parts car that is a column shifted auto with power steering. I tore the entire steering column out of that as an experiment and still can't figure out how to correct this issue. Can I just remove the gear under the wheel so the steering wheel doesn't lock anymore? It's spring and I don't want to miss the season.

Any help would be appreciated.