1963 Valiant V200 Wagon

THis thread is sooo cooool.

I get to watch every step of what your doing and dont have to lift a finger!Lol....

As for your allergies. The reason the drug store has sooo much allergy remedies on the shelf is...THEY DONT FRIGGIN WORK! Same for cold remedies,cough syrup,etc..

My Dr gives me a once yearly shot. I dont recall exactly what it is,but it's similar to prednisone which is a steroid. Methyl something or other...and it has other benefits for me because of my M.S.

It's not much,maybe 2 cc? Costs me between $15-20 and works wonders on my allergies.

As for the tire/rim combo,sounds like it might be close on the inner wheel well. Arent those early a body wheel wells small? Im hoping someone else who has done this chimes in..

And I see you are more relaxed about the wagon now! Time away from it helped maybe.

Im still fighting with my cop car to get rid of it. But it has turned into Christine..so it is up in the air on stands and I had to walk away...

The shot stings a bit as it has to be injected into muscle,but it's worth it.