Hows everybody doing?

I'm a teacher and we were told to expect a 7 million cut. And the budget came out.......and we have a 7 million cut. We have already cut 6 days without pay. I believe the total operating budget is in the low 40's so a 7 million is a big cut out of that.

So things will be interesting for the next 2-3 weeks. They had six budget scenario's and the likely one calls for a pay rollback and a bunch of other issues.

Not whining, and things will continue on. My district has always taken care of things by attrition. So we have had no staffing cuts because of how things happen. But 7 million at once is not going to be fun.

I know that many internet boards take a borderline antagonistic view towards schools and teachers. Hopefully not here.

I try and not mention the teaching thing, but I feel fairly safe on this board.