Hows everybody doing?

My states a bust. Fla. The wife and I were real estate appraisers till two years ago when the bottom fell out. Lived off our credit till that was gone. Losing home and having to sell off everythine else. The only way things are getting better for anybody is if you are at the bottom looking up. Were going to start over, but not in this state. I believe everything happen's for a reason.

P.S. I love the Obama haters who are blaming this on him. That's B.S. Its the dam republicans that created this mess over the last 8 years, and everybody wants to blame Obama becuase it's not fixed yet. Think back to when Clinton was in office, the economy was in alot better shape then now. The worst he did was commit adultry and lie about it, like every politicion does. Dubya was responsible for the death's of thousands of innoceint Americans and service men/woman, 9-11 and beyond....... Whew I feel better now :-D