Can I remove the windshield on my 65 myself?

I have the factory 65 service manual. The instructions don't seem too difficult to remove the front windshield on my 65 Valiant. But doing it is different I guess. It's already cracked and will need to be replaced but I don't know if glass companies get a new one anymore. I need to get it out to repair my dash where the radio was cut and repaint it. The factory service manual says to remove the lockstrip and push the windshield out of the gaskets and remove. But how do you get the lockstrip out? Can I remove the whole windshield and do everything myself? Getting my friend to help me out on anything is impossible.

The short answer is I would not recommend doing this by yourself.

Remove the chrome trim (if any) around the windshield to expose the lockstrip. Carefully look around the lockstrip to find a gap in it. Use a small screwdriver to pull out one end. At this point, grab a hold and pull while following it around the windshield. It is possible that it will break. If so, start again with the remainder.

The first time I did this there were a bunch of guys standing around doing nothing special, so put two of them to work with me. Two of us worked around the windshield freeing it from the gasket. The third was inside the car putting pressure on the windshield so that it would not try to re-seat in the gasket. When we got the windshield out, we took it by each side and walked it over the front of the car. The gasket can be removed from the body at this point. If the gasket is stiff or cracked, I'd recommend replacing that and the lockstrip.

One guy can carry a windshield, but I doubt I'll see one guy that can put it in without a lifting device. I see it as at least a two man job, three if you can find 'em.

To grease things up, I used WD-40 (can be used on lockstrip, too.) It makes things messy, so have a bunch of paper towels/rags around.