Vinyl Roof Replacement

Looking at the underside of your roof brings back lots of bad memories. When I was doing the pre-purchase inspection on the Demon, the underside of the roof looked like that. I closed the deal and loaded it up on a dolly (no engine, trans, or driveshaft) heading from California to the Edge of the World about 1200 miles away.
Everything was going great until I hit a bump on the freeway. Immediately, I looked back at my charge in the rearview mirror. I saw a puff of orange smoke come out of the roof. My stomach began to turn.
By the time I made my first fuel stop, there was a hole in the roof I could put my hand through and several others that would pass a finger. It got a little bit worse as the vinyl began to be peeled off by the wind and more of the roof became road dust along I-10.
Recommend checking roof so that you don't have any areas that are close to perforation. Avoid my struggles.

