Lost hemi,Twice

Do I love my wife,YES,do I want to listen to her and her twin sister and the mother complain about the kitchen and the bathroom ,NO.The three sound like a bunch of crows on a wire,talking at the top of there lungs and not listening to 1 word either is saying.It seems to me the lessor of two eveils,spend the money and that will shut them up for a while,not a long time, but for a while.I have to set them up for the front engine dragster,that should go over really well with the wife and my mom,mrmopartech

I know where your coming from Scott. My wife and sister-in-law get together and my brother-in-law and I head for the hills. They have a ***** session and we pay for it for weeks. They don't know how lucky they are to have us. We don't run around on them and we work around our respective house's endlessly. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. LOL
