Good article on basic stroker theory

Both engines were In a 1800lbs dragster, the point that I make is the fact that the smaller engine is makeing only 50 less HP for the difference in CIs and the money spent. So just because you put a lot of money in parts doesn't mean that your going to run any faster. The new engine that the man bought was a professionally built engine with all the best parts that money could buy. I won't say who the man bought the engine from, as a professional courtsey stand point.
My point being that you don't have to spend alot of money to run fast, you just have to have the right parts. Somehow 50 hp doesn't equate to the $$$$$ difference.
The parts that I used were all factory parts LS7, the cam and kit, intake and carb were the only things changed on the engine that I built from what the man had to start with.

BJR Racing