Rebuild or alterkation?

Cudachick, by saying tend, I ment that you did care about your product.
I'm old school I guess "tend" now a days is probably short for "pretend" text message wise.
No negative undercurrent was in"tended" LOL
Let Dan know about my plug in his behalf when you talk to him.
Did you get your large oven yet? Dan has a killer set up, I thought.

Ohhhhhhhh Roger, don't ever worry about offending me!!! Your reply made me laugh. I was buried with website updates, a couple of quotes AND enjoying the chat last night when I saw it or else I would've straightened it out right then. Sorry to make ya stress about it in the meantime. :-D

Besides, as a business owner -- especially with the volume of new members FABO gets every day -- I never hesitate to remind these guys that quality work does still exist. I figure if anyone who reads my reply is 'on the fence' about whether to get parts done by their local place or go through the extra hassle of shipping stuff to me out here in the toolies, maybe a gentle shove will help guide them in the right direction and give them a little extra confidence that they're making the right decision. I took your "tend" and ran with it buddy!!! :-D:-D:-D

Anyway, as I said in the thread, the parts look great and I think you received a fair shake on the price. But next time remember that I'LL give you a discount when those local guys won't. [For some strange reason that discount is always VERY CLOSE to the shipping cost too. I hadn't realized that until recently when I started looking through past invoices.] Nine out of ten of my jobs come from FABO, ya'll treat me wonderfully, and I try to do the same for all of you.

As far as the big oven goes, stay tuned for the biggest announcement in PSC's history. Since I'm having a hand in helping to build it personally, I can finally say it won't be long now. And it'll be big enough for everything you can throw at me except for a car chassis too.

I haven't talked to Dan in a while but if I do, I'll send your love. haaaaa