Body work/metal work magician needed

OK guys, I am still mulling over what to do with my car. As most of you know, my original paint 383 S was hit by a moron in Carlisle last summer. Before I commit to stripping off the original paint and getting the whole car done I am going to spend some time looking for a magician who can straighten out a slammed fender while saving the original paint. It was hit pretty good:

I know that if it could be done it would take a ton of hours and it would cost cubic dollars but I am looking at $10k - $12K to do the whole car anyway. The lower part where the worst damage is could be replaced with one of the patch panels that is available but the upper part with the stripe would need to be saved. I know it probably can not be done but I figured I will exhaust all avenues before I go full resto or full resto with a glass hood, fenders, and nose.