What would YOU do?

Enough is enough! My latest attempt to have the rest of my parts shipped to me (via the state of Maine address) appears to have fallen on deaf ears. I called one Joseph Balboa o/a Rumblefish Ltd in Chester New York on Thursday last. Left a message on his phone message system advising I want the rest of my parts that I paid for. Before I called him though, I called the Maine address's business to check if the parts were in---no; and I checked my e-mail to see if Mr. Balboa had sent me a shipping/tracking number---no. This morning, I checked my e-mail--none from him.
This then is an ALERT! Anyone out there can get taken like I have. While I'm not much of a joiner, I have been in touch with Moparts (the site that I contacted Joseph Balboa to purchase the parts) and advised them why I wanted to join and what I wanted to post i.e. to expose Joseph Balboa o/a Rumblefish Ltd. in Chester New York. I want to be upfront with them regarding my intentions as I have been with Mr. Balboa when I did business with him.
Can someone out there, who may live close to Chester advise if the Times Herald Record would be the best newspaper to advertise in regarding this matter. I feel that the public at large ought ot know as well.
If these actions result in a loss of business for Rumblefish Ltd. so be it. I am considering that I have lost a good amount of money myself.
BTW, I will also be contacting the BBB about this matter also.