Homemade paint booths

Pry all you want :-D

I don't think I have all that much into it, all the outside walls were already done as well as the overhead lighting. I built interior walls and built the lights into the corners, lights are T8's and cost just under $500, probably another $500 or so for the 2x4's, drywall, electrical and misc. I would guess. Something like that, I didn't really track it. I still need to mud and paint, run my compressor lines and do the ventilation. There's two trap doors going into the attic space, I'm going to build a boxed vent up through one, through a squirrel cage fan and out the gable. The other trap door will have a filter over it and serve as the intake.

The way I have it now, all my tools and stuff are in the room that I sealed off so overspray won't be a factor.

Here's the before pics

Now there's the booth and a place for tools behind the booth and relaxing beside it :-D