Can I remove the windshield on my 65 myself?

i prefer spray silicone over wd-40...after removing the lockstrip carefully run a "windshield stik" around the gasket to get it free ...they like to stick to the glass...someone used sealer on mine but in the end i had to get in the car and use my feet toget the glass started out of the seal(in my case 1 corner) because i was working alone..i then went outside the car and GENTLY pulled the glass out...I was able to get both pieces out of my 37 yr old car without breaking it...A glass guy told me about the foot methou...nut just steady/firm pressure(lots of silicone) I really thought it would break...but it didnt...It is really not all that tough...but i would recommend new gaskets...the are nice and soft...and go in easily...good luck....I think amd might have your glass...