Bad gifts

One of my daughters gave me a T-shirt that had the picture of a fisherman getting oral sex from a fish. The caption was "The Happy Fisherman". Well one night we were going to an office BBQ and drunk put on by my wife's rather prizzy co-workers. About half way through one of her co-workers pulled me off to the side and told me she didn't think my shirt was in very good taste. I kept the straightest face I could and stated, "I was given this by one of my daughters, and I am very proud to were it anywhere and if she didn't like it she didn't have to look at it.". The poor girl just about fainted and went off in a huff. I went back to drinking my beer and waited for the wife to come chew me out. The wife arrived about 10 minutes later and gave me a big kiss. Everybody else was scared of this ***** and they were all glad that I stood up to her. After that I didn't have to go get a beer all night. LOL
