whats my barracuda worth

That is a fine looking car. The value of these cars is determined not by what you have in it, time, parts, money etc. The value is determined strictly by what the buyer will pay. Example, I think my car is great and I would sell it for the price I think it is worth. Will somebody pay my price? I doubt it. Maybe, I really don't want to sell. I will tell you I have had two different offers of 25k, when the economy was better,and I have not sold her. I am sure when the time comes, I have my price, I just hope no one ever offers it. After all, I can't go around the block and buy another and I don't want to start all over again. I have had mine for 24 years and it is still not where I want it. Your car is worth what you will take for it. I have seen a couple between 15-18K.