Back on the Duster...aka what i did on my summer vacation

Chop, cut rebuild continues.....

I made the x brace that goes between the two rear down bars

Next up was the seat brace/upper belt mounting bar

Then the lower bar that ties the front and rear hoops together on the drivers side

The diagonals that tie into the subframe connectors

The connectors were installed many years ago, had I been doing them today I would have cut some of the floor, this would have enabled them to fit flush at the the rear around the start of the rear frame rails.

Besides being stronger had they been welded to the floor, I would have not had to cut such a large hole to make sure I have access to weld the bar to the connector. Food for thought on the next build.

Sure am glad I bought the DEwalt CNC machine center, been using the heck out of it......:-D

These bars were from the kit, I think they originally were supposed to be the rear down bars that would retain the back seat. I thought I would give them a try as side bars.

I am keeping the armrest and while these will clear it, I think it's too much of an angle, If I were to use these, I think it would need a bar from the bend down to the floor on the passenger side, the horizontal bar on the drivers.

I still have two straight bars left, that I could see about having bent, at a lesser angle than these, they want the upper part to pass midway between your shoulder and elbow. I'll play around more with these tomorrow.