Lookee What I Made!

It's a Holley carb stand! No, it's not super complex or anything but it cost me only the price of consumables for my welder and the electricty to run it. I had the nuts and bolts laying around and I found the angle iron stuck in the ground in the back yard. It was pretty rusty but after going over it with a angle grinder with a flapper wheel, I found it was sound.

I cut 4 pieces out of it (two 7" pieces and two 6" pieces), Squared them up, tacked and welded it solid. I ran the nuts all the way down on the bolts and ground a taper on them, marked off were they needed to be welded, tacked them in place, then welded again. I then adjusted the nuts so a carb will sit true and square. I plan on cleaning up the welds and shooting it with some engine (fuel resistant) paint today to make it pretty.

I just used a cut-off blade in a angle grinder to cut the angle iron. If someone was to use fresh stock, a chop saw or band saw and some rounded end bolts, this could be done in less than an hour although it might warp if you're not patient welding the underlying "box" frame.

Enjoy and I hope it gives someone some ideas. :read2: This should last 200 years and never break, lol.
