My 74 Dart Swinger

Thanks!!!, there is a lot of work that needs done and I don't exactly have the money to do it with driving it on a daily basis and getting 25 cents above california's minum wage of 8.25, I can barely keep the tank full. I guess all in good time though right?

I just went to the body shop today to get an estimate for fixing all the problems with the body I gotta go some where else as the nicest shop in town is a insurance based body shop and won't do my car unless i want to pay top dollar as in 6k for a standard paint job. Hopefully I can meet up with the guy I was reffered to, I am also going to get them to stretch my quarter panels out to fit my tires so I can pull off those gawd awful air shocks and let the car rest a little bit!.


Ya I hear that. I basically drive my car everyday. Ends up about 3000 miles every 3 months. Perfect for oil changes lol. Ya I make 9.50 and work full time and go to school full time. It is tough to find time and money for my project. I feel your pain