9 mopars for sale! pictures

Glad you guys liked looking at the cars. Al saves alot of cars from being sold as "crusher-credit" cars and tried to keep the resale of them on the low side. I'm personally looking at the 1968 coronet (i'd leave the slant 6 in it though) and make it a driver.

Alan is a good guy and posts once in a while here, but hasn't had the time to do it lately.

If you want any of these cars, you should hop on it. Think of all the rust you won't have to repair and all the metal you won't have to buy to replace them. Your proably saving thousands on sheetmetal replacment alone. Plus, the price of transporters has gone down since last year when gas prices dropped. Add to the fact you won't have to wait months to get your car back from body shop for all those pans/panels won't need replacing, will be a good feeling for all the cash you will save in the long run.

Think of it, A-bodies less than $2k and transport for around $800-900 means you can have a nice car in a few weeks.