Slipping 727

hemifish69 said
Well after 3 months of leaving it in "D" and mashing the throttle, lighting up the hides, the 727 started to slip. Dropped the pan, and all kinds of metal/gook/stuff in the pan and filter. Guess this one's done for. I got 3 more units I can build while leaving this one in the car. I'd like to do this myself. The one that let go was barely 3000 miles old. guess the hemi was too much. Money's tight, I won't be ordering a tranny from anyone in '06, that's for sure. But doing myself? I could justify that cost. Learn something in the process, and be able to brag about it. So, what's the best manual with the good tips on special parts (bolt-in sprag), techniques, part ID, or am I just fooling myself? Cause if I have to buy one, guess what. She's hanging on the jackstands for long enuf, I'll start wanting to sell her. :book:

Hi there hemifish69,

Bummer to hear about your 727 casualty! The Carl Munroe book would be good for you. I think they are around $14 (not for sure on that price) or so from You also might benefit from a factory service manual from around that era. The 727 was built for quite a few decades so the factory info is readily available.

Couple things I'd suggest - Inspect the hard parts closely for wear, and replace any marginal components. Take note of your input shaft end play upon disassembly and of course on reassembly. It's critical to have the proper gear train endplay AND total transmission endplay. To loose and stuff moves around possibly creating problems, too tight and it'll burn the thrust washers in a hurry.

A good rebuild will consist of the clutches and steels (of course) a complete O/H kit, a bushing kit and thrust washer kit. Some special tools are needed. As far as the bolt-in sprag. It will not prevent an explosion but it will prevent the outer sprag race from spinning in the case should you have a sprag failure. I'd recommend the Ultimate 16 roller sprag to anyone making more HP than stock. I helps to cushion the sprag much better than the older 12 roller design. I'd get a good valve body that applies the L/R band in first to avoid a sprag failure/explosion. How much power is this HEMI making? Feel free to e-mail me with any questions. I am a dealer for A&A transmissions, and generally can provide you with any 727/904 you need.

Lastly, have fun building it! I have 5 in the shop now, they are a blast to work on, and quite simple understand.