Save AdamR's Dart

Thanks dartman, hotrodscamp, daredevil & country_ck! Daredevil, your idea for an auction might just be the ticket. I wonder if we can get Jack out of auctioneer retirement.

Total so far: $295

GTXperience: $50
Crackedback: $50
moparmuscle64 (FBBO): $25
prhousejr (FBBO): $25
Motopsycho: $20
homecloned: $10
65vart: $20
dartman: $10
hotrodscamp: $35
daredevil: $25
country_ck: $25
Who's next?

BTW: I will have Adam's direct Paypal address shortly. For those who prefer to send money orders or checks, I will have his snail mail address which you can get from me. As soon as I have that information, I will post a message.