I should have gone to the Spring Roundup

Because it would have been cheaper! I spent all day Saturday working on the Red Scamp trying to get ready for the show. But by Saturday night I was out of energy and I hadn't quite finished putting the dash together. The column was still down and my back was seriously hurting from wedging myself onto the floorboard. Needless to say by Sunday morning I didn't feel like finishing it. The weather looked like crap and it was cold so I just bagged it. JR called about 7:30 and he sounded worse off than I felt! Anyway, so I sat around doing pretty much nothing all morning. While perusing craigslist I found a 65 Valiant wagon just down the hill from me for $275 bucks! The pictures were really fuzzy so I couldn't really tell what I was looking at. So, i called the guy then went to look at it. Unfortunately it was way too rusty - the bottom half looked like it was dipped in salt water. But, they had another car! Long story short, I drug this thing home for $200 bucks. 72 Valiant, slant. It supposedly even runs and drives but the battery was too weak to get it going. Here it is just as I got it, wet but not washed. The trunk well looked like hell but it's surprisingly solid. Ironically the floors looked ok, under the mat anyway but they're all toast. No idea what I'm going to do with it. I'll get some more pics up soon. Here's the car I went to see, then what I brought home:


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