Engine Clanking LA 360 Motor

OK all, enough of the ouch comments :)
Seriously, the Timing cover is only 150, and it was ruined because the crank rubbed the inside of the metal and wore it down and the guy who built the engine used a screw to long that damaged the crank metal seal. The block for $500? Yea, I don't know, it looks so rusted it could have come from the titanic 100 years ago, sitting outside for 15 years. 1978 year coded. So, not really sure about that deal. Also, 810 for a rebuild? i mean labor is 2300 dollars of which 810 is part of that. 65 barracuda dude, could you be more specific about what you feel is unwise? Parts are ok, I looked them all up, and they are fairly priced. I suppose we're only talking about the Block price and labor here.

Thanks all!