Al Gore is a lying S.O.B.

If global warming is real and any one person would be to blame for global warming it's ole lyin Al himself. I got an e-mail from a buddy awhile back about how Gore always preaches global warming and how we need to be more "green" when he's one of the biggest offenders of each there is with his mansion using 20 times the amount of energy a normal household uses. [/quote

Yeah, and how every time he goes to one of his little "climate change" seminars he and his sheep leave their limos idling with the A/C on for the hours it'll take 'em to get done BS'ing people. Obama telling us we need to drive more fuel efficient cars...hey, jackass, trade in the presidential limo for a bulletproof Aveo, quit flying around on AF1 every time you feel the need for take-out and then lecture me on what we should do! Damn, these a**holes who are full of the "do as I say not as I do" crap should be slapped repeated by everyone with a little common sense! Obama's car of choice as a Senator? He drove a new Chrysler 300C. But he's telling us we need more hybrids and little death boxes.