
Well Sandblasting, media blast'in, soda blast'in, it'z all a PIAN!!...U NEVER git all tha sand/media outta tha car..NEVER!!...I blasted my car, and I have blowed, washed, rolled, washed, blowed, rolled, washed, blowed, till I wore out my compressor, and my well pump, and when U prime/paint I still git sand!!!...I WILL NEVER DO IT AGIN!!!...I did good on tha body, but ruined my hood...I know what sand will do a thin piece ov metal, and took ever precaution I could...dust'in it at a distance usually doez tha trick, but juss az soon az U thank U got it down, whammo, A useless 66 dart hood!!...My suggestion would be to have it dipped, or use chemicals to do what ya gaotta do...Juss my 2 centz, REX