Fat Blue Fish Build

PS.....I know you know that I made a comment about lime green cars......truth is..........I rode and raced KAWASAKI's for a many years and bled lime green for a time........when they dumped Jeff Emig (local boy(Champion MX and SX'r) for some minor infraction and ruined his golden years I got dissed.....and switched to HONDA...then POLARI(USA>USA>USA)

He and I got the last laugh by the way.......as some of you know he comment's for SPEED channel during supercross series. I bet big green is licking his boots now!

Anywho....I love your car the look is very cool .....AAR 60's flair.

And I really do still like lime green.....or sassy grass.....or sublime...including the band and the actual word.
