Anyone have trouble with T/A radials?

AdamR, sorry about the 14's the Indy 500's are on there way out. I sold the last set we had a couple months ago... we still have a stock level of 4 and arn't getting any more... they were great tires and I wish Firestone would continue the line up ( I work for Brigestone/Firestone at a corp. owned store ). On a side note the Indy500's are the old SS20's So it is an old tire, I had a set of those on the '68 Charger I had as a teenager.
When I first saw this thred the first thing I thought abought was the BFG radial T/A's I put on my '68 Charger (after the SS20's... I worked at Super Shops at the time) If it was dry out they were fine. In the rain I hated them. Sad part is they are a good looking tire and come in a 14" that'll look good on my '68 Barracuda.