Celebrity Sighting

Yeah, we get 'em all. Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba (a regular), Christina Aguilara, Al Pacino, etc. I agree that most are nice folk, and I talk to them just like any other customer. I also don't give them anything for free, which is what some places do for the p.r. value. I figure they can afford it more than anybody. I've also had royalty from England, Greece, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Mayalsia and other countries. I love seeing the big, black SUV's pulling up in front with the bodyguards coming into the store first to check things out. Those Arabs spend big! Takes away a little of my pain at the pump.

Don't know if we've ever been on TMZ, but we've been on episodes of Run's House, Paris Hilton's BFF, and My Super Sweet 16, all on MTV... :-D