Complete interior upgrade on my 70 Swinger.

Thanks for the kind words everyone. Understand that I am an old guy and very big. Having said that I still drive a semi truck and work tons of hours. Somewhere in all of this I found time not only to invest the 40 hours of work into this job but also was able to fit my big butt into some crazy positions and with all the bending of my very bad rebuilt leg I was able to get this done. This started out as a blitz of selling parts to generate the bucks to do this job. I bet I had nearly as much time in selling and shipping all of them parts out firsthand. Its been a heckuva ride so far and I am nowhere near done. Next is to find nice bumpers, wheel opening trim, them pesky trunk and hood emblems, and a radio antenna setup. Thats gonna about do it for this years upgrades. Next year comes a built slant, new glass, new vinyl top, new window seals, and a grille. In any case I am liking this interior much better than the old one. It smells alot better too!!!