My '63 Valiant Signet Convertible Resto

Well, I managed to get the passenger seat out and Por-15'd the passenger front floor this week, still need to do a little more finish welding and then top coat, but it looks pretty good I think.

I was amazed to see how much scale has built up on the bare floors just in the time I've owned the car, not enough to hurt anything, but they aren't nearly as smooth as they were when installed. The PO really should've coated them with something before they filled up with water for years on end. You can get an idea of how they looked before by looking at the drivers side.

I ground off all the scale with a wire wheel, marine-clean'd and metal-ready'd them. Painted the whole pan with 2 coats of POR-15 and then put a third on towards the back where water collects. If they rust out again, it isn't my fault!

My dad is on vacation next week, when he gets back in town we'll hopefully get the floors done other than a little cosmetic work in front of the back seat. I hope to get the entire drivers side floor pan POR'd this week if I still have enough. I also want to try to get my rust free trunk lid on the car this weekend.

Oh yeah, I also had a chance to talk to an upholstery guy this week, the second one I've talked to about doing the Valiant. Both times, I've explained exactly what I want done over the phone, get a rough estimate which increases dramatically when they find out it's an old mopar. :angry7: You can practically see the dollar signs in their eyes.

So it looks like I'm going to end up doing it myself. I wanted to go with white seats and door panels, black carpet and body colored upper door panels. Legendary doesn't make a white interior for a Valiant until 1966, which had different seats....but they make a '65 Dart interior in white and it doesn't look bad, so '65 Dart it is!

Anyway, onto the pics: