cell phones

Last time we went to the movies I ended up punching a guy because he was talking on his phone right next to us and wouldn't hang up. I have grabbed peoples phones hung them up, thrown them across the theater or had them kicked out of the theater by management.
We only goto the drive in or rent movies now.

Society has to learn how tho use them properly and politely. With all respect, JR, you'd be in jail if you did that to me. (Though I'd never use it in a theater, that's ridiculous.) Two wrongs make a right?

I'm sure when telephones came into use, the same kind of thinking resulted: "I've lived this long w/o one; They're a pain", yadda, yadda.

They have a "power" button on them. YOU ARE IN CONTROL OF IT, not vice-versa! LOL! It's the same damned thing as the one that's wired to your house, except, get this: It's MORE USEFUL!

You guys have refrigerators, electric lights and COLOR tv yet?