cell phones

I have one :bootysha: I like leaving it at home when I go anywhere :cheers: It makes me feel free:cheers:
I was the last one in the family to have one, I agree with J.R.:read2:
I tell my wife and kids that if they are not bleeding or a bone is busted don't call just to say hello and I will knot answer my phone in the car or if I have company. IT can wait :angry7:. I hate to say this :snakeman: But It seems like if a friend is at my house and there phone rings more then two times and it's there wife or girl friend:angry7: I feel like they should get off the hill and take care of the women that has to ask How much gas should I put in the car, I will be home soon, What do you want for dinner, How was your day, ext :thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm::thebirdm:
This drive me nuts, Its like she don't want him out of there site.
If he reads this he will know who I am talking about.
I know it's good to have them for emergencies But I don't think If I am visiting someone its not an emergency to just call some one while they know he or she is visiting some one and call and ask did they feed the fish.:bootysha: