Letter to the paper

Everytime I hear of a fellow brother or sister losing their life it saddens me and my heart hurts. It is very difficult to lose someone you know. I am on the U.S. ARMY Bomb Squad and I just transfered to a new unit. My old unit is in Afganh. right this very second, 4 of my really good friends have been blown up in the past 60 days. One is back in the states and has a huge portion of his hand missing and my old 1SG is in Germany waiting to be transfered to Walter Reed the other 2 are lucky and didn't receive major injuries. I wish sometimes people would step back and put themselves in someone elses shoes for just a second. And realize it ain't always about them. They should be so proud to have people that would die to defend their freedom and their right to say what they want whether it be positive or not. So for all those who do not support me and my friends.:thebirdm:
Next time you want to say something bad about someone say it about yourself.