Letter to the paper

Great letter back from the Colonel. The story reminded me of these two a$$holes:



The National War Memorial is located in the centre of Confederation Square across from the Chateau Laurier. Originally built in 1930 to commemorate World War I, in 1982 the memorial was also inscribed with the dates "1939-1945," for World War II, and "1950-1953," for the Korean War. The theme represents the response of Canada to war, symbolised by service people from all disciplines marching through a triumphal arch, but with a deliberate aim to avoid the glorification of war.

Here's what the monument looks like when some d1ck isn't disrespecting it:

God help the asshole that I witness doing that to a war memorial. I am not prone to violence, but I would assuredly "go Medieval" on the poor sack of **** that desecrates such a memorial. If you want to live in MY COUNTRY, you had better learn respect. This would never have happened before the 1960s.