my barracuda goes high tech

ok its all togetherlll

yes they are solidered to the board,,they get really brite when the turn signal and brake are turned on,,,2 bulbs in the middle are on all the time then all the rest are around the 2 in the middle,,,

no led board available yet for the lower running lite,,but im hoping some time in the future,,,

i installed a clear led bulb in the lower running lens and it was so brite it washed out the lens,,these lenses are N.O.S. so they are not faded,,,i installed a red colored led bulb in the lower runnng lite,, and it makes the lens appear red,,so that is what im running,, here are a few pics also rechromed tail lite housing really top it off

sorry didnt think to get a pic of brake lites,,,

tail housings,lens,leds 010.jpg

tail housings,lens,leds 009.jpg