Am I Crazy to Try This?

I guess it depends on several things. You need a VERY clean workspace. The tranny must be spotless of course when put back together.
You need a couple days to do this. Compressed air is essential for cleaning and testing servo's. A manual is essential as well. A good heavy duty snap ring plier is essential as well. I have a KD and it works fine. A lift is great! But I have put transmissions in and out using nothing but my arms and a floor jack. I would also pull the crossmember with the tranny and replace the mount while Im at it. It seems to be a bit easier this way rather than trying to wrestle the tranny up over the X member. A pair of long bolts that will mate your trans to the motor are great helpers. They give you the room to slide the tranny back much further while getting you tq converter back in and help tremendously with alignment to the motor. I also block the rear of the motor up tightly before pulling the trans,so it does not drop. This will prevent a huge fight trying to get the trans and motor to mate back up.

They are not hard as everything is a subassembly. I take one assembly out,rebuild it,clean it and set it aside. Then the next etc. Then it's just a matter of checking tolerances and torqeuing correctly.
There are some bigass heavy duty springs inside that WILL fly acroos the shop given the chance.
AND IT MUST BE SPOTTLESS!!!! Dirt and crap seem to really affect the performance and life. Wash everything in solvent ,then spray down with brake cleaner and wipe down with lint free towels or rags. Do not use carb cleaner as it will leave a residue. I would take the housing and pressure wash the majo crap off,then go nuts with yor favorite cleaning method.

DO NOT attemt this if you cant get the thing clean.