need help on a charity build !!!!!!!!!!!

ckj, I don't know if it's on FaceBook or not (I'm not a member of it and won't ever be) but I agree that any exposure is good exposure.

If you decide to promote it on any other sites, please include a link to this thread for people to follow the progress here. Joe has enough to do as it is between talking with potential sponsors, rounding up the parts we still need, working on the car, etc., and having to "make an appearance" on tons of other websites takes a lot of time best spent elsewhere. (Besides, it gets FABO a lot of additional exposure and new members too.)

You are also welcome to refer to the home page of my website [] for Paypal donations to be applied to this build project. There are two donation tabs on my home page -- one near the top in the "prime real estate" area, and another further down the page under my Sponsored Events -- and both tabs link to the same paypal account. All funds donated to the PSC Paypal Account will be used to buy the parts we can't get from sponsors, ship parts to Massachusetts from other parts of the country, etc.; if anything is left after the car is finished, those funds will be donated to Shriners Children's Hospital.

If parties wish to donate to the Shriners Children's Hospitals directly, use the link on Strong Keepsake Images' website; keep in mind though that those funds will NOT be applied to the Shriners Scamp build.

Thanks again to everyone for your support and assistance!!!