Junkyard Nazis

Longgone said
Yeah these yards have the attitude-" I`ve got something that you need ,therefore I can be as rude as I want". Makes me ill !

And if you had been so inteligent as to start a "Salvage yard" or "recycling yard" (PROPER terms to use when going to such places if you want to have them treat you respectfully) you to would be able to charge or behave as you pleased (not that being rude is ok, just merely pointing out) because YOU'D have what someone was looking for. I understand where some of you guys are coming from (NO, I am not a salvage yard owner, just been to WAY more than I could ever recall and have dealt with all sorts all over the country) but I think some of you need to understand where some of these guys are coming from.

69signetv8 said "Another place is great, very trusting and their markup is about 20 - 30% max. Their far from the average rip off dudes. Got my remote mirror in very excellent condition for only 10.00 and bought a 73 parts car for 75.00. There so good I even felt sorry for the owner as his shop had all their tools and new welding equipment ripped off."
and that would make someone wonder why a salvage yard person might be a little up tight. Used to be that a yard could have a couple underfeed BIG dogs to keep out the theifs, but a couple incedents where some dumbass theifs get eaten by said dogs and now these yards have little in the way of theft prevention (alot are out in the boonies as you all know) so they are constantly being ripped off.

Realize that a lot of the places that have attitude because they have generally dealt with a lot of BS from the comunity at large (the ole I don't want a junkyard in my neighborhood, and the low life's that think "Hey these guys rip everyone off so boo hoo to them if I get this {insert whatever part you can carry out in your tool box or pockets or toss over the fence and come back for that night} Granted they may get the cars or trucks or what not just GIVEN to them, but whether ANY OF U like it or not they still have bills, permits, EPA, taxes on EVERYTHING now a days (USA, only country to ever reach a taxation rate over 52% without the people rizing up against taxation without representation), fuel costs (you think those loaders, shredders, crushers, trucks, etc run on air alone?) wages, unemployment, workmans comp (I am a small biz owner myself) etc. etc. etc., and I am sure they wanna be able to get there kids the Barbi Super Center or the GI Joe with the Kung Fu Grip for christmas too, or maybe some roses for the wife because they worked too much over the last couple months to orginize a buncha scrap for whiners to come pic apart, leave hoods open after taking the carb air cleaner assembly or doors open after the get that glove box door they been looking for for the last 2 years.

I personaly have a buncha early 70's parts in my garage and get terribly offended when some one has the attitude that "gee, that's just junk (whatever part it may be) sitting in your shed/garage so it can't be worth more than a couple bucks and it will "HELP ME" out, as if I owe anything to anyone else on this planet other than my mother father and God. But on the other side of the coin I hate trying to get that harder for me to find part and someone thinks that I should pay them 10 times brand new (if you could find new).

I am not knocking/bashing any of you and I am not trying to be one a high horse, I just thought I would point out a few things that some seem to truly miss from the big picture, so that the next time you go to a salvage yard you'll have a little more respect for them and that in turn can help with the overall relations of the auto enthusiast's and the salvage yards. Remember, ESSPECIALLY for the 60's and 70's cars, that stuff is now more valuable as scrap steel and aluminum and for them to hold on to any thing at all THEY ARE DOING US A FAVOUR.