Viet Nam Vet

Ha, Who you calling old :salute:

Life in the 60’s was anything but sad. When I returned from Viet Nam in 1967 the times had changed considerably and getting back into civilian life took some effort. I was lucky that one of the Midwest guys in my squad bay played guitar and taught me a few song. I made lots friends in college (GI Bill) and we spent most afternoons sitting in the quad strumming the latest hits on the radio. They understood why I kept going to classes when they were on strike and I understood why they were on strike. I drive a 65 Barracuda today, because I drove one then. I remember these times, as some of my best memories. When I get into the Barracuda its summer of 68 and the beach was just down the road. greendart72 I hope your brother feels the same way, remind him that every Viet Nam Vet he runs into is his brother, whether Marine, Air Force or Army.
Welcome Home :cheers: