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My bottomline is that rather than asking for donations to keep the site running, the administrators here are trying to OFFER perks in exchange for your donations. I feel like the users who see that as an attempt to profit off of the site need to take a closer look at the responsibilities that running such a site entails. All users are still being offered FREE membership, and access to THOUSANDS of threads & posts of information. Keep in mind that 15 years ago, you would be paying to join a club to have a newsletter mailed to you, where you would have no input!

Your absolutely right on. That was my thinking when I started the Gold Member thing. People were constantly (and generously) offering me donations and I just didnt feel right about accepting.

Sometimes people ask me why should they be a gold member. I tell them they should be a gold member only if they can afford it, and they feel as though they got $35 worth from the site. Then the discounts are a bonus for them.

Now in my mind, and I am a subscriber on other forums myself, If I save having to go to a mechanic and pay for 1 hour of labor, then I'm ahead of the game and I gladly subscribe. I wouldnt pay for every forum I am on as many of them are just short of useless. But I hope we have built a pretty good community here with alot of great info and people.

We have now added 34 more Gold Members since this thread was created!