I'm glad things are going to China

Most stuff made in America is crap. I worked for a company called Top End. They made sport wheelchairs. Well the owner was a hack who stole ideas, changed something small and called it his own. We had good welders then who took pride in there work. Big Dummy sold out to a major POS company called Invacare out of Deleria Ohio. Well they send some guy down to be the new plant manager, his previous position was the bed pan and walkers supervisor. Well this jacka$$ named AL CRISP totally screwed things up worse then they were. They transferd guys from Ohio to Fla to work. some were ok most not. We had good welders who would check tolerances during the whole procedure. There drones were assembly line idiots who never checked to see if anything was straight. These are $3000.00 custom racing or sport wheelchairs. Oh yeah if you a government/VA perscription or funding they would charge $8-12 thousand for the same product. Total BS. This is why the average joe cannot afford health insurance. It was all about the $$$$$$$$$ and not the product. Sadly this is how this country killed itself.:angry7: So some names to remember of people who will screw you.
A. Crisp
C. Peterson
Top End
If you here these names or meet these people RUN the other way, they are the DEVIL.:snakeman: