Ballast resistors

Yup, for some time now. How well they work with a mopar ECU I don't know. Pertronix has been using this set up for awhile now (although their system also eliminates the ECU).

Reliability should be about the same as with the ballast, as these coils typically just have an internal resistor (.vs an external one).

There was a time....sounds like a lead in for a C&W tune...when Pertronix used Andover Coils, but as with most American Company's they decided to take the technology to China to get it made Cheaper, we were extremely dissappointed with the test results on the new Chinese coils from Pertronix.

Again Andover designed and engineered their coils and they took that Technology to China "We make sam ting only 50% cheapa"....right.
Did anyone notice a drop in price on Pertronix coils last year?..just asking...

I think we can all agree that ballast is the highest cause of ignition failures, by eliminating this weak link we add reliability and with this new coil nearly double the output of a stock system.

Take that spare ballast out of your trunk and dump it.