Rear End Drop.......

getting the nuts off and on those U bolts may be the hard part.
I do not use ramps. Its a hill and a cliff In my opinion.
The wheel can roll down one side or drop off the other.

Maybe I didn't elaborate enough sorry. The front wheels or front end are on the ramp style supports. I have jack stands supporting the rear end of the car on the frame just in front of the springs where it's bolted to the car. I was trying to get the car up level with the rear part of the car. Like having a hoist and the car up more, so it's easier and have more room to get under the car. The rear wheels are chaulked or wedged so when I undo the nuts of the u-bolts it drops and stays exactly where it was when bolted. This way all I have to do is switch the brackets and put the nuts back on and tighten. I hope that's the easiest way and the safiest.