I'm glad things are going to China

My experience was working in the pharmaceutical industry at Pfizer...you know, the little blue pill..LOL. Well the company was The Upjohn Co. before it got bought out totally by Pharmacia and the lastly Pfizer. The slogan on signs everywhere in the plant when it was The Upjon Co., was "KEEP THE QUALITY UP". The very week after Pfizer bought us out, "ALL" the signs were removed from the walls and anything in the building that was a reminder of the "way we used to do it" was discarded. Well the next thing you know, we began to ship a lot of our products over to China to be manufactured over there because it was cheaper. Jobs here in the states were eliminated and benefits were slashed. So guess what?? China screwed up a number of "OUR" antibiotics to the point where the FDA in China, which by the way isn't anywhere close to the same standards that we have over here, had to shut down the production of those products. So now Pfizer is trying to get those products made back here in the Good Ole USA, which always made the drugs right and followed the guidelines set down by the USA FDA! The only sad thing is that the people who knew how to make the stuff over here have now lost their jobs and the ones left behind that don't know the process will have to be trained on a fast track so they can get the drugs to the customers as fast as possible. Corporate America needs to wake up and stop being so greedy about the bottom line and start investing back into America and stop giving the country away to China and the rest of the world who could care less about producing top quality products on a consistent basis.

My 2 cents worth!