Taking the plunge

Guys, I think I'm going to just suck it up and re-wire my car. I put in a new ignition switch to solve my starting problems and things are just weird. I tested the switch today, here's what I found (seems to work to me)

Start wire gets power in Start position only
Accessory wire gets power in Accessory or Run positions.
Ignition 1 gets power in Run and Start
Ignition 2 gets power in Start only

What's the difference between ignition 1 and 2?

Anyways, since the starter seems fine, at least with regards to the start wire, and the car cranks in the run position but only when the fuse for the gauges is installed, I have determined that the wiring is fubar. So, I'm thinking I am going to buy one of the EZ-wiring 12 or 21 circuit kits and re-wire the whole car. It sounded like overkill to me at first, but the more I try to troubleshoot and fight the fact that the wires are old, hard, and it is nearly impossible to recognize the colors anymore, the more I'd like to start fresh just so I know what everything is, where it goes, etc...

So, has anyone ever done this before? Is there anything I need to be aware of beyond what will be in the instructions with the kit? Mostly what I'm concerned about is getting all the wires in the engine compartment hooked up right. Lights and stuff should be no problem, I just want to make sure I know what the wires in the engine compartment are going to with regards to ignition. Once I get the ball rolling on this, I'll probably have a more specific list of questions.