US Cartool frame connectors

US Cartool frame connectors
I did some checking with the frame connectors today. A little tweaking and fitting, as suggested by US is, to say the least, an understatement. After crawling under the car and creeping around, with the frame connectors, I think I'll take the interior out and pay somebody to fit and weld. There is more than minor fitting to be done. I consider a little tweaking, some grinding to acheive a fit and maybe sime minor cuts. What I see, so far, is cutting about four inches from the length and some additional notching and grinding before you can even begin to acheive a fit to the floor pan. I am not saying that they won't work, I am sure that they will, but laying on your back on a creeper is not going to do this. I see alot of fitting and trimming ahead that will require crawling in and out from under the car more times than I want to do it. If I had a lift it would be a totally different story, still alot of fit and trim, but entirely different from trying to fit laying on your floor. I also see at least some interference with the brake line. It is new stainless steel and I hate to bend it to re-route.

The quality of the frame connectors is great, but I think that these would be best described as a universal frame connector rather that specifially for any particular A body. The truth of the matter is that the paperwork that came with them states that these will fit A 67-75, B 66-70, E 70-74 body. Like I said, I am sure that they will work great, but if you do not have a lift or access to one, you may as well farm this job out and try to save some by doing most of the prep work.