Formula S stripe on 68 fastback

That white one (which is now a metallic burgundy) is my car! Yes, the stripe was an option on any Barracuda and normally you do not see them with the lower trim. Actually it was recommended not to order the trim and stripe at the same time. Anyways, I see many stripe mistakes where they go from wheel opening to wheel opening. The stripe does not make it to or past the body lines around the wheel. I'm going to be putting the stripe back on my car- just in white this time. Good luck!

The stripe was an option on any Barracuda, not just a Formula S.

On this page you will see the location of the stripe in relation to the lower body line. You should be able to eyeball it (probably what the factory did) it's about 1 1/4".

Click on the "First Paint Job" link.

This is a thread with pics of my car's stripe placement. (I used the above link for my placement.)

Note: My thin center stripe is thicker than factory (Friend who owns a sign shop made them for $6 and it doesn't bother me enough to peal them off and re-do them)