I can't understand why

I usaully don't weigh in on these types of threads, but there are some things that I think need to be said. People have to earn respect, you don't get it automaticly because of your lot in life. You can also lose any chance of getting respect by the way you live your life whether you are Joe Blow from down the street or a Celeb of some sort. For people that you don't know, never met, and didn't expose themselves to the world by being a celeb, then they get an automatic respect for the dead. To be a celeb means you foster a certian image and if this image is not of the acceptable mainstream then you don't deserve to get much if any respect. Was M.J. a great entertainer, yes. Was M.J. of questionable character, yes. Sorry, but people will judge him on the questionable character. Billy Mays, although a loud mouth pitchman never displayed any questionable character that I know of. Farrah Fawcet, was never my cup of tea looks wise, but I can never remember her being anything but a lady in public.
It all comes down to perception and if you foster an image that turns people off then you reap what you sow.


ps: Sorry Adam, that will be my only comment on it as I get tired of reading it to.